Monday, January 19, 2009

Once the writing is over and other random thoughts

I'm done with Ghost Mountain.

Actually, that isn't true. I have edits now. Lots of edits. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be finished with this book. But I wondered that about a lot of things in life that are now over and done with, so I'm sure completing this novel will one day find its way to that "completed" column also.

Of course, I've started the sequel already. So even though the story of Ghost Mountain is finished, Cerri's story isn't.

I've been reading a number of series lately, paying special attention to how characters grow and mature from book one to book...whatever. The best of them DO have characters learn and "live" without forcing readers to follow the story to keep from getting lost. Those are the ones I hope to emulate.

Which book series does that for you? I'd love to hear your thoughts.


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