Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Life is a River, and I'm Still Wearing Water Wings

Life is for lack of a better word, organic. It is ever changing and mutating, always different and full of surprises. I wake up every morning not knowing what to expect other than the unexpected.

So I don't get wonkey when my best laid plans to get some writing done get thrown out the window. My writing happens when it happens. The same can be said of my painting, my sewing, and my home improvement projects. If I'm not in the mood to write something, I'm not going to sit there at the computer and force myself to write something just to get my word count up.

Of course there are times when the words do come pouring out and I'm nowhere near my computer. I'll be at dinner, at work, or playing mommy. For that reason I carry a notebook with me wherever I go. I can honestly say that there is more of my story written in my notebook than there is on the computer I'm currently writing on.

I long ago learned that it's far far easier to float along with the fluid movement of my life than to try to swim upstream.


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